Sunday, September 19, 2010

What Does It Take To Bring NYC together?

I thought that it was absolutely astonishing to witness the attack on the Twin Towers from a New Yorker's point of view and see the wild and diverse city come together.

Watching the buildings actually fall down was something that I had never seen before. I was in 3rd grade on this particular September 11th, so I did not understand the full extent to what had just happened. Nevertheless, it had affected me. But, it did not affect me nearly as much as it did to New Yorkers. Seeing the city and people covered in debris was very strange. It was hard to see so many people grieving and looking for their loved ones.

The scene in the film that struck me the most was when many people gathered around what someone wrote on the sidewalk with chalk. Arguments were breaking out EVERYWHERE. People were fighting about invading Afghanistan, using nuclear weapons, keeping the peace, etc. It was so surprising to see all of these people, who probably would never have met each other, feel so passionate about an issue. It was amazing to see one man and one woman who were going at it begin to realize the others' opinion. The woman explained to the furious man that everyone was scared and everyone was in this together. They ended up hugging it out (two random people, might I add) and smiling. It is so crazy to me that even people with views on total opposite ends of the spectrum can end up hugging. They were not arguing about gay marriage, they were arguing about the usage of nuclear weapons. It is strange that something as massive and tragic as September 11th can bring the most different people together.

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